About Jacqueline

I provide exceptional Medical Tattooing and Permanent Makeup in the Spokane region, and have over 30 years of cosmetic experience. All of my referrals come directly from physicians, plastic surgeons and previous clients who value my skills, professionalism and compassion, in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Where medical tattooing is needed, you can be confident that I will work directly with your plastic surgeon to ensure the safest and most optimal, and attractive outcomes.
I am committed to tailoring and understanding your individual needs, and am respectful of the challenging life experiences you may have had. I'm a perfectionst with natural artistic ability and an eye for detail. The consultation and procedure is about YOU, your well-being, and building your confidence! Consultation is at no charge, and is always informative as a guide to help you review your options.
My qualifications include certifications from:
American Institute of Permanent Color Technology
National Cosmetic Tattoo Association
West Coast Academy of Permanent Cosmetics
AIPCT Macro-Theory Dermagraphics
AIPCT Advanced Breast Repigmentation
Individuals who benefit greatly are those who have encountered difficulty or inconvenience applying makeup, or have had their appearance altered by disease, injury or illness. My clients who see the most value from medical tattooing, and who have dramatic benefits, include those with vision changes, MS, Parkinson’s, Vitiligo, Trichotillomania, Alopecia, arthritis, scarring or medication side effects.
Those who have had chemotherapy, breast reconstruction, augmentation or reduction, have supplied some of my strongest testimonials to the fantastic benefits of paramedical camouflaging procedures (e.g. nipple areola tattooing).
I frequently work with Plastic Surgery Northwest, Aesthetics Plastic Surgery (Dr. J. Karp), Spokane Plastic Surgery (Dr. Lynn Derby), Spokane Dermatology, Werschler Aesthetics.Whether you are looking to enhance your appearance or desire to simplify your daily life with natural looking permanent cosmetics, please call me at 509-534-4084 schedule your free consultation.
I am looking forward to meeting you!